Monday, June 13, 2011

Different Types of Avalanches

It is vital that skiers/snowboarders can acknowledge the first indications of an avalanche, and that they understand what to expect when they take place. There are 3 unique forms of avalanches: wind slab, powder and wet snow.


The powder avalanche can potentially be unbelievably detrimental, although they tend to be relatively rare. Sometimes they can start out small, however they can build up in proportions together with power as they trigger other volatile areas in their course. Powder avalanches can reach speeds as much as 250mph, at times becoming airborne and capable of uprooting trees or destroying small structures.

Wet Snow

When top snow melts, it can penetrate through the snow pack to weaken lower tiers and subsequently eradicate binding to the mountain surface. As the snow pack becomes wetter, it increases in weight until eventually it can not sustain itself. Those who become trapped in this sort of avalanche are often unable to survive, as a result of insufficient oxygen. Wet snowfall avalanches turn into a particular issue during hot springtime days, or on southern facing ski slopes.

Wind Slab

Wind is generally a major indicator of how probable an avalanche is to manifest during any period. The less wind, the more probable it is that snow will be distributed evenly. The more powerful the wind flow, the more dangerous these drifts will likely grow to be. With long periods of sunlight as well as severe winds, huge volumes of snow can develop on top of lee slopes and become packed into a huge thick bulk. Whilst they are unlikely to form on especially steep ski inclines, they can. When they do, they can become especially lethal; triggered by something as imperceptible as an increase in environments. Wind slabs are most likely to slip when it is windy, as extra snow is deposited on top of a potential wind slab, the load of it leads it to develop into an avalanche.

Awareness and Safety

You should know of the possible risks whenever skiing/snowboarding off piste, and you need to make sure you acquaint yourself with the emergency procedures and equipment required to assure a safe experience. So off piste VIP ski lessons Chatel (as an example) are at all times worth considering.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Injuries on Piste

Regrettably, incidents whilst skiing are not unheard of. It is essential to be aware of proper procedure should you be involved in or see an incident whilst on the ski slopes. Taking action to aid someone in danger is the responsibility of everybody using the slopes. Taking responsibility for ourselves is one thing, however taking on the task for others can make you the hero of your VIP ski experience.

Upon first noticing an incident, you should stop if possible then immediately take action to secure your location. This might require putting your skis in a cross above the wounded person. This tends to indicate their position to oncoming skiers and give important protection. In the event the injured person is round a blind corner or perhaps obscured to oncoming skiers, you could possibly consider posting someone in advance of the obstruction to alert individuals before they approach to close. These kind of basic measures will not only give protection to the wounded, but should also assist to stop other people from being injured by the same hazard (as well as colliding with the wounded party themselves).

By being knowledgeable about first aid (even if you only aware of the absolute bare minimum) may make the difference between life and death when confronted with a mountain injury, it is therefore strongly recommended that you find some form of coaching before you decide to hit the slopes. The very first thing you should do is to assess the overall condition of the injured group. This implies following the basic ABC of first aid: Airway, Breathing, Circulation.

You first need to check the airway to make certain it's clear. You check to see if they are breathing, which (if initially imperceptible) can be performed by holding a mirror above the mouth to identify tell-tale condensation. You then take a look at circulation, feeling for a pulse, covering all injuries as well as applying firm pressure to stop bleeding if necessary. Finally, make sure you keep the injured person warm, but do not provide them with anything to eat or drink while they await the rescue services (particularly liquor).

When it comes to notifying the rescue services, it is important to tell them the precise location where the accident occured. Specifically, you will have to tell them the name of the piste and ideally the closest piste sign. You'll also have to explain to the rescue services just how many people were injured in the accident, in addition to preparing them for the type of injuries they're going to have be expecting. Good quality communication can go a long way when it comes to preventing a disaster; therefore the more details you are able to supply, the better off any injured parties are going to be.

When staying in a VIP chalet on holiday, valuable awareness of the facts is crucial to anyone involved in an accident, regardless of whether a witness or actively involved. Learning exactly what you need to do can be found out during a Ski Lessons Chatel. Peoples names and addresses really should be exchanged, so that people can be contacted following the accident, plus a note should be made of all applicable details. Pertinent details will incorporate the time, date and the location in which the accident took place, plus the noted conditions that caused it to happen. Snow conditions and state of the ground will also be worth noting, as is the visibility on the slopes and the state of any markings or signs that might be pertinent. All accidents needs to be reported to the related authorities (normally the police) as soon as possible.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

FIS Rules for Conduct

For all those who are mountain users, the International Ski Federation (FIS) has ten rules and regulations for skiers and snowboarders to help everyone stay safe on the slopes. These should be followed all of the time, irrespective of if you're in Morzine.

These are the ten International Ski Federation Rules for Conduct:

Respect: Do not endanger others.

Control: Change the manner and pace of your skiing to your ability and to the overall conditions around the mountain.

Choice of route: The skier or snowboarder in front has priority - leave sufficient space.

Overtaking: Leave enough space when ever overtaking a slower snowboarders or skiers.

Entering and starting: Look around the mountain everytime prior to starting or stepping into a marked run.

Stopping: Only stop at the edge of the piste or where you can be easily seen.

Climbing: When climbing up or down, always stay to the side of the piste.

Signs: Abide by all signs and markings - they are there for your own safety.

Assistance: In case of accidents provide assistance.

Identification: Thos who are involved in an incident, including witnesses, should exchange details.

Friday, December 31, 2010

Ski Lessons Chatel

Skiing is actually a exciting, relaxing, fitness developing and just basic enjoyable holiday alternative, the main issue or barrier that would seem to stand in the way for a lot of people looking at a winter sports holiday for the first time is the simple fact that they are unable to ski, a large number have never tried on a pair of skis ever before, which makes the concept of a skiing holiday off putting, even with the option of stunning VIP chalets now available for skiing holidays French Alps guests.

However the truth is that if you are unable to ski it should never dissuade you from having a skiing holiday, mainly because ski classes can be conveniently organised at any resort in the French Alps.

Ski lessons Avoriaz are often adapted in accordance with the individuals level of skill. For that reason even when you have not tried the activity before ski courses are available for utter first timers, this obviously also applies to intermediate ski lessons which look after people that have maybe skied a couple of times before, but now would like to develop on their skills and their enjoyment levels by committing to ski lessons that will take them to the next stage of skiing talent.

Skiing tuition in addition do not only apply to those who like to use a pair of skis, since a large number of skiing destinations will certainly offer coaching for would become the next Shaun White (snowboarding), which can be taken along side normal ski lessons, or as many young people would choose, as independent ski lessons for potential snowboarding fans.

And so with skiing holidays in the French Alps resorts presenting amazing VIP chalets , amazing après ski activities, spectacular surroundings and ski lessons to meet your requirements there really is no need to put off a skiing holiday because you can't ski.